
Odorox® Proven >99.99% Effective Against Pathogens Like Coronavirus

Odorox® Eliminated >99.99% of Two Viruses Selected for Testing by the FDA
Odorox® Hydroxyl Group is a leading supplier of Odorox® - the only patented and scientifically proven hydroxyl technology in the marketplace today. The airborne hydroxyl radicals created by Odorox® work by treating pathogens in both the air and on surfaces. These radicals are scientifically known to react one million times faster than ozone, bleach, or other cleaning agents.

What does that mean for the Coronavirus? 

Aerosol Research & Engineering Laboratories (ARE) tested the Odorox® MDU/Rx following FDA guidelines. All five tests on FDA-selected viruses, bacteria, and mold had kill rates of between 4 and 5 log reductions (99.99% - 99.999%) within two hours - an exceptionally high and fast kill rate. FDA then approved the Odorox® MDU/Rx as a Class II Medical Device for use in occupied areas.
To be clear, testing a new virulent virus like the Coronavirus is not possible for several reasons. First, only major national labs like the CDC and NIH get samples so soon after the emergence of the virus. Second, commercial labs are not equipped to test them as it would require biosafety containment facilities and protocols beyond their capability. 

However, one of the viruses chosen by the FDA when testing Odorox® was the MS2 virus. Based on what is known about the new Coronavirus, it is believed that the MS2 virus is an excellent surrogate as it too is a positive-sense, single-stranded, RNA virus. The FDA considered it a routine simulant for pathogenic RNA viruses and said the test results were “exceptional”.

Odorox® machines operate around the clock - 24 hours a day. They are an extremely effective tool for killing airborne microorganisms and treating hard to reach areas. This is particularly important when treating viral diseases, like Coronavirus, as the main vector for transmission is inhalation of the aerosolized virus. 

Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 4:56 PM
Tom McArdle <info@odoroxhg.com>
Reply-To: info@odoroxhg.com
To: robert.pressly@gmail.com

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